Friday 1 March 2013

Keep on the Shadowfell: Part Four

This is part four of a continuing series documenting the heroic deeds of the worthy adventurers I DM for once a fortnight. It's primarily here so I can remember what the hell was going on in the last game. Read parts: one, two and three.

Kobolds, kobolds and more kobolds. That's all our adventurers had seen for days it seemed. But finally they were all slain, and it was time to return to Winterhaven to claim their reward. At Wrafton's Inn they were proclaimed the heroes of Winterhaven, and Lord Padraig handed over their promised reward of 250 gold pieces.

While enjoying a hearty breakfast, Marroar, Searos, Scrindrel and Giovana were approached by an entrepreneurial tiefling named Malachi, who, on seeing their reward of gold, fancied that the party had good luck with their adventures and wished to join them. They agreed.

The townspeople were acting strangely. Though they were certainly grateful for the absence of Kobolds, they could tell there was some new evil afoot, something even more sinister than before. The party sought Valthrun the Prescient and told him of their recent encounters. As the town's scholar, he immediately linked the strange activity to the legends of the nearby ruined Keep, suspecting the Kobolds were part of a plot to reopen the rift. The stories told that the rift led to no less than the unholy sanctuary of Orcus, the demon lord of the undead, and that if it were opened, terrible monsters would be unleashed on the world and would devour Winterhaven, just for starters.

Valthrun also told the party of Sir Keegan, last commander of the keep garrison, who eighty years ago appeared to go mad and murder everyone under his command, and then his own wife and children. His ghost is rumoured to still haunt the keep. Valthrun urged our adventurers to seal the rift, before Orcus' minions of the undead were released again.

Sounds like fun, everyone thought.

And so, they made preparations for the daunting task ahead. After some careful bartering at Bairwin's Grand Shoppe, Marroar was able to trade an antique mirror for a +1 magical staff. Healing potions and alchemist's fire were purchased. In addition, much upgrading of armour occurred. Searos did lots of interesting and important stuff that I seem to have largely forgotten, due to a particularly nasty cold I had on the weekend. Sorry.

Finally, the party set out for the keep.

Approaching the ruins, the forest turned quiet and everyone was filled with an eerie sense of dread. Although the above ground structure had been felled by years of decay, it was clear that there had been a recent disturbance of the rocks, and a path had been cleared to some steps that led downwards.

Entering what appeared to be an underground guard room, a single Goblin Warrior waited at the end of a corridor, eyeing the adventurers cautiously. Malachi, the brave new tiefling, ran forwards to attack, and immediately fell into a cleverly disguised pit trap. Luckily he was able to climb out shortly after, and escape a swarm of poisonous rats. Disturbed by the noise, several more Goblin guards appeared, and a fierce battle ensued.

Again, much of the details have been lost to massive doses of Lemsip I'm afraid. I'll do better next time.

Needless to say, our party was victorious, and now faces a labyrinth of terrifying tunnels and malicious monsters, tempting treasures and terrible traps. Stay tuned!

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