Monday 24 January 2011

UPDATED AGAIN: UPDATED: WH Smith: E-Commerce not so much done wrong, but not done at all

Hey WH Smith! Your website sucks! Seriously. I'm not just ranting. I mean it's absolutely, hands-down, unusably terrible. Not only do you hardly stock anything worth reading (ghost written celebrity biographies and reprints of tabloid newspaper "columns" do not qualify as books) but your checkout server, just plain doesn't work. I've been trying for a week. From the UK via Telehouse and from a VPN in New York. The server just doesn't respond. I can barely route to it.

Of course, I asked for Amazon vouchers for Christmas. Not that I'm ungrateful (you know who you are, relative who shall remain nameless, and don't expect me to get you anything nice for Xmas 11), but I always knew getting something decent from Smith's was going to be difficult for the aforementioned reasons. I just didn't think it was going to be technically impossible.

I finally found something I want to spend my gift voucher on. I wasted hours trawling through the dross to find something I actually want from your awful, awful site. Have you just given up because your site is so terrible compared to the competition? That's no excuse! Please Smith's, make your secure server work, just for me, just this once. I won't bother you again, I promise.

UPDATE! I got the checkout to work. I spent my gift voucher. Managed to find some Richard Feynman books I'd like to read. Okay, they said 5-7 days delivery but I can wait. I checked out. Then I got an email saying everything is out of stock with their supplier (who the hell is that? Waterstones?) and that one of them is out of print! Smith's: Your website is shit and your stock status is made up. And now my gift card has disappeared into the ether! F**k you WH Smith! F**k you with a fake beard!

FURTHER UPDATE! All of the books have been dispatched. Why is your stock status so misleading? Anyway, thanks. Sorry I got so cross motherf**kers!

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