Friday 11 January 2013

Skyfall vs. Community (and I swear I'm not going to start talking about Big Bang Theory)

If you don't laugh and cry watching this mash-up, you've clearly never seen one of the best written and most original comedies in TV history.

If Season 4 doesn't live up to expectations, well... then I guess I'll just keep watching the first 3 on Netflix over and over again.

I posted this because I thought long and hard about posting something about The Big Bang Theory, and I really didn't want to jump on the bandwagon of criticising it. I'm walking next to the bandwagon, slowly. I'm not really keeping up with it, for the moment at least.

It's just... look. I am not getting into this Big Bang vs. Community thing. It's perfectly okay for some people to like one thing and other people to like a different thing (see my lame rage comic on the subject). But in the midst of all the anti-BBT diatribes there are a few rational commenters saying, look, it's not just as funny as it used to be. The humour doesn't use references anymore that make us feel good when we get them. It mainly centres around making fun of people. Wether we're mocking the guys for being losers, or Penny for not understanding Leonard's job, or Raj because he's apparently neurologically unaware of how every other thing he says is a homosexual innuendo*. And if all we're doing is making fun of people, well, that's just mean. Mean isn't funny.

I'm going to stop myself in a second, but I just have to off-load a few things about this week's episode (US schedule). The central theme is that the guys are made to feel shitty about who they are again. Everyone makes fun of them because they love Star Trek. I mean, they love a thing. It makes them feel good. It could be pottery or fencing, football or morris dancing. It's just a thing that makes them feel good, but everyone makes fun of them for it, and the audience has a good laugh at them as well. And that's it - this issue isn't dealt with. Spoiler alert - they just give up and go home. Sheldon actually says he doesn't want to go outside anymore. I'm no writer, but that's not a story arc. If this isn't a setup for some triumph in the next episode, it's just goddamn depressing.

2 more things, then I'll shut up, I promise. There's a big laugh when the girls go to the comic book store. I mean, think about it! Girls buying comics! That never happens, right? That's hilarious! Ugh.

And this. I think there's one dude in the writers' room for BBT who actually loves the culture that Chuck Lorre has decided to mock (now it's made him a little bit richer). So he's dicking with it. On several occasions Howard refers to the group as a "landing party" from the Starship Enterprise. The TNG Enterprise. It's even the hook of the final scene. But as we all know, there are no "landing parties" in TNG....

They're "AWAY TEAMS".

Okay, I've gone too far. But the thought of this lone writer, wearing a d20 t-shirt without irony in the writers' room gives me hope. I'll give it one more chance.

(* In your endo.)

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